This can be used in conjunction with Chuckster paste bait. You only need several drops to achieve the necessary odor to catch the animal. (THIS PRODUCT WILL ATTRACT RACCOONS IF THE GROUNHOG IS NOT CAPTURED DURING THE DAYLIGHT HOURS).
This can be used in conjunction with Chuckster paste bait. You only need several drops to achieve the necessary odor to catch the animal. (THIS PRODUCT WILL ATTRACT RACCOONS IF THE GROUNHOG IS NOT CAPTURED DURING THE DAYLIGHT HOURS).
Trapped my first “hog” the first day I set the trap. This stuff is no joke. Make sure you set your traps to sensitive. My 2nd trap did not close and the little bugger was able to pull the leaf out of the trap. However, the juice is what attracted the groundhog to it in the first place so I know this stuff works. I am more than pleased. Good thing Bill Murray didn’t have this stuff when they made Caddyshack because that movie would not have been nearly as funny with him catching all of the groundhogs.